Murray Foubister, Doug and Diane Smith, Richard Lay, Martin Pardoe, Alan
Stradeski, Jack Lee, Bruce Inglis, George Pugh, Andrew Tucker, Alex Kerr and
Jackie Slavenova
- Agenda: The approval of
the Agenda was proposed by Martin Pardoe, seconded by Doug Smith and
- Minutes: A motion that
the minutes of the 2000 AGM were a true and accurate record was proposed by
Doug Smith, seconded by Martin Pardoe.
- Matters Arising: Mark
McMillan did not table a 2000 mapping report, but did submit a report for
2001. Scott Donald declined to
take over from Marek Dutkiewicz as Editor of Due West, and as Marek no
longer wishes to continue we are without an editor. The Power of Sport Tour did take place
and orienteering got good exposure.
A decision on the location of the 2004 BC Summer Games has been
delayed due to the election.
- President’s Report:
Jackie Slavenova submitted a report, which will be attached and
distributed to members with the Minutes.
Jackie was asked about the effectiveness of Elenora, the new staff
assistant, and she felt that she was very helpful to the President in
looking after mailing, pursuing sponsors and communicating with the
members. However, several members
were not aware of her existence, Sage was unable to contact her by e-mail,
so we have to publish her correct e-mail address and also give members
some idea of the help that she can provide.
- COF Update: Due to the
short time period since the last AGM, there was nothing new to report.
- Finance: Leigh Bailey
was unable to attend, but did forward copies of the 2000 accounts. A further report was supposed to be
brought to the meeting but got left behind. The staff assistant’s salary was $400/month on a six month
contract, Jackie was of the impression that three months had been paid at
the end of the fiscal year. The
2000 Casino Grant will not have been spent until the end of the BC Championships,
but we can apply for a grant for 2001.
A motion was made to approve the financial statements as tabled but
with reservations to be clarified by Leigh. Proposed by Dough Smith, seconded by Alex Kerr. Passed. The reservations are as follows:
- A budget for 2001
- A breakdown of the Casino Grant expenditures
- An explanation for the $850 revenue and expense items
- Where does the Staff Assistant’s expense show up?
- Mapping: The report
submitted by Mark McMillan will be attached to the minutes for circulation. There has been no OABC mapping
initiatives in the past two years, with any mapping being done at the club
level. The base map for Kelowna is
moving ahead. Daphne Tomblin asked
for a map to be considered in the Parksfield area. The Mapping Policy is now about 8 years
old and should be updated and republished. Mark indicated that he would be happy to stay on as Mapping
Chair or replaced as the Board thinks fit. It was suggested that the three Mapping Co-ordinators from
the major clubs form a committee with Mark. These would be Diana Hocking (VICO), Jim Helten (GVOC) and
Alan Stradeski (SAGE). A motion to
accept the Mapping Report was proposed by Martin Pardoe, seconded by
Jackie Slavenova. Passed. A motion to form an OABC Mapping
Committee was proposed by Murray Foubister, seconded by Martin
Pardoe. Passed.
- Membership: The number
of full members had been updated in the figures submitted by Leigh Bailey
from those at the 2000 AGM. It was
felt that the recreational members were still lower than they could be,
and that GVOC needs to be a bit more diligent in collecting recreational
member information at their events.
There was a discussion about the inclusion of the BC Elementary
Schools Championships competitors in the numbers, and as it is extremely
unlikely to get individual addresses, it was felt that the school address
would be sufficient, and that the competitor numbers should be
included. Both GVOC and VICO were
down in 2000 and reports will be obtained from the respective Membership
Secretaries as to why. A motion to
accept the Membership Report was proposed by Martin Pardoe, seconded by
George Pugh. Passed.
- BC Summer Games: The
2000 event was very successful and Gail McDonald and her helpers from VICO
are to be congratulated and thanked for their efforts. Orienteering will not be participating
in 2001, but will be back in the Games at Nanaimo in 2002. George Pugh also mentioned an interest
in pursuing the BC Senior Games.
- Club Reports: There
were no written reports submitted.
- GVOC. They had another
successful Determinator Series, which had just finished with John Chatwin
being the new Champion. There was
still some empty slots on the executive that have to be filled. The club, as last year, will be
involved in the running of the BC Championships.
- VICO. Things at the
club are looking up, and they have decided to plan a reduced set of
events to concentrate on consistency and on the social aspect of the
- After a very busy 2000 and a three day event at this year’s
Sage Stomp, the club would like to ease back a bit, and is looking for
help from other clubs for next year’s Sage Stomp. Membership is up due in large part to
their successful C Meet strategy.
When asked what makes their club go, Doug Smith pointed to the use
of e-mail to keep in touch, the excellent web site complete with
directions to all meets, and always having a separate membership person
at all events.
- Newsletter: OABC needs
a new Editor as Marek Dutkiewicz has decided that he cannot continue. It was suggested that Due West should
be put on the OABC web site, which would save mailing costs. When a new issue is available, the
Editor should e-mail “Movers” and the Webmasters of the various clubs. These are Darcy Lawhead (SAGE), Ian
Barclay (VICO) and Mike Muttersbach (GVOC).
- Junior
Development: 250 children
participated in the BC Elementary Championships with good media coverage
and RCMP attendance to ensure safety.
The way this event is growing it will soon be the largest event to
be held in BC, and deserves more attention. We need more volunteers and more involved earlier. Our thanks to Jackie Slavenova and her
helpers for an excellent event. A
question was asked about junior funding now that the OABC finances are in
better shape. The policy on
funding is still in place and it is up to the new board to decide what
funds are available. A motion to
have the new Board review the budget to see if funds for Junior
Development was made by Murray Foubister, seconded by Doug Smith. Passed.
- Fixture List: Thanks to
Martin Pardoe for co-ordinating the 2001 schedule. It was felt that clubs still need to
plan ahead a bit better in the future.
A commitment to a spring and fall A Meet should be continued,
although all the responsibility for such meets need not fall on one
club. It is clear that we need to
train more Level I and Level II officials, and to help on this it was
suggested that the COF A and B Meet Manuals be added to the OABC website.
- Election of Officers:
- President: Jackie
Slavenova resigned, and OABC would like to thank her for all her efforts
on the Association’s behalf over the past two years. No one was prepared to stand so the
position remains vacant.
- Secretary: Alex
Kerr. Proposed by Murray
Foubister, seconded by George Pugh.
- Finance: Leigh
Bailey. Proposed by Doug Smith,
seconded by Richard Lay. Elected.
- Mapping: Mark
McMillan. Proposed by Dough
Smith, seconded by Alex Kerr.
- Vice President: Scott
Donald declined to run again.
This position remains vacant.
- Junior Development:
Jackie Slavenova. Proposed
by Alex Kerr, seconded by George Pugh.
- Officials and Coaching:
Alan Vyse declined to run again.
This position remains vacant.
- To solve the problem of the vacancies on the Board, Doug Smith
suggested that each club of the three major clubs should nominate one
member to serve as one of a
triumvirate of President and two Vice Presidents, who would remain on the
board until a replacement is found.
A motion to that effect was proposed by Doug Smith, seconded by Martin
Pardoe. Passed
- As the new Staff Assistant is unlikely to continue after the
end of her six month contract period, Jackie Slavenova indicated that she
would be interested in taking over the position. It was also suggested that the title
of Executive Director be used to bring it in line with other
provinces. The new Executive
Director would be paid a modest salary by OABC, and could then pursue any
avenue to enhance that salary. A
motion that OABC contract a part time Executive Director was proposed by
Doug Smith, seconded by Murray Foubister. Passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm.
Our thanks to Alan Stradeski for his
hospitality in hosting the AGM at his home.