OABC President’s Message
The Orienteering Association of B.C.
and its member clubs, the Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club, Sage
Orienteering Club of Kamloops, Victorienteers and the Williams Lake
Orienteering Club would like to welcome all the participants and visitors to
the 2003 Sage Stomp. The unique
semi-desert ranching terrain and the dry, warm weather of the area will
challenge orienteers, and provide a special holiday experience. The many lakes and backroads will provide
opportunities for exploration, fishing, hiking and relaxation. We hope you enjoy your Sage Stomp in the
Thompson River Valley, and that you will return again for future events.
Doug Smith
On behalf of all the volunteers from Greater
Vancouver, Sage, Victorienteers and Williams Lake Orienteering Clubs, we would
like to welcome you to the 18th edition of Sage Stomp. Many thanks to you all for making the trip
to this beautiful part of the interior of BC, and we can assure you that we
have done our best to provide terrain, maps and orienteering courses that will
provide you with a memorable experience.
These will be the first major championships that we will be using our
newly purchased SPORTident punching system, and we have been working hard to
get up to speed on its use. If there is
the odd hiccup, we would appreciate your patience and understanding. We expect the weather to be warm and sunny,
and we have prayed to the weather gods not to have a repeat of the very hot 1999
summer temperatures. Enjoy running in
the ponderosa pine forest and open grasslands, don’t be too distracted by the
magnificent views of Kamloops Lake from some of the courses, and may you all
have error free runs.
Alex Kerr, Event Co-ordinator
Co-ordinator Alex Kerr GVOC
Meet Director Doug Smith SAGE
Planners Frances and
Alan Vyse SAGE
Controller Leigh Bailey VICO
Fundraiser Meet Director Marie
Cat Bruno GVOC
Meet Director Carl
Coger VICO
Planner Leigh Bailey VICO
Controller Diana
Hocking VICO
Model Event Meet Director Bryan
Chubb WLOC
Short Meet Director George Pugh GVOC
Short Planner Alex
Short Controller Adrian Zissos FWOC
Meet Director George
Planner Ted de St Croix GVOC
Controller Scott Donald KOC
Pre-registration Gill Bailey VICO
Program of Events and Timetable
August 15th
– 10:00pm Registration at Savona Community Centre
Saturday, August 16th Western Canadian Championships, Day 1, Six Mile
- 11:00am Registration on site
9:00am First Start
2:30pm Courses close
3:30pm OABC Annual General Meeting, Savona
6:00pm Banquet
at Savona Community Centre. Centre will
remain open until 10pm
August 17th Western
Canadian Championships, Day 2
– 11:00am Registration on site
9:00am First Start
2:30pm Courses close
7:00 – 10:00pm
Event Centre Open
Final Deadline for Relay teams
Monday, August 18th High Performance Fundraiser – The Showcase, Dewdrop
9:00 – 10:00am
Registration on site
First Start
7:00 – 10:00pm
Event Centre Open
Tuesday, August 19th
Rest Day
Wednesday, August 20th
West vs Rest Relay, Six Mile Lake
8:00 – 10:00am
Package pickup on site
Massed Start – Leg 1
7:00 – 10:00pm
Event Centre Open
Thursday, August 21st Canadian Orienteering
Championships Model Event, Gardens Creek Ranch, Savona
9:00am – 3:00pm Course Open
– 10:00pm Event
Centre Open
Friday, August 22nd Canadian Short Race
Championships, Gardens Creek Ranch North, Savona
– 11:00am
Registration on site
First Start
Courses Close
– 10:00pm Event
Centre Open
Saturday, August 23rd Canadian Orienteering
Championships, Day 1, Gardens Creek Ranch, Savona
– 11:00am
Registration on site
First Start
Courses Close
Banquet at Savona Community Centre
Short Race Awards
Sunday, August 24th Canadian Orienteering
Championships, Day 2
– 11:00pm
Registration on site
First Start
Courses Close
Registration will be available
at the Event Centre in Savona and at the various meet sites at the times shown
in the Timetable.
Registration packages will include:
Any money owing must be paid
before you receive your registration package.
Please make sure that your
SPORTident finger stick has the same number as shown on your bib. If not, notify
Registration immediately.
The Event Centre is the Savona
Community Centre, located at the corner of Savona and Tingley Streets. From the junction of
Highway 1 and the Savona Access Road (at the Super Save Gas Station), turn right
if coming from the Kamloops direction, left if from Cache Creek. Follow it round to
the left as far as the General Store, turn right immediately before it (Savona
Street), and the centre is on the left after about 100m. The Centre will be
open as shown in the timetable for Registration, to socialize or to view
results. There
will be a staffed information desk.
The average temperature range
in August in the Kamloops area is 13 – 28C, although it has been known to reach
40 degrees C on occasion. Humidity levels are quite low. Please ensure that
you are properly hydrated.
For all emergencies dial
250 828-3116
250 374-5111 (Royal Inland, Columbia Street, Kamloops)
250 374-5947
Food: Syro’s
Restaurant, Highway 1 and the Savona Access Road, next to the Super Save Gas
Dave’s Café and the Robins Rest Pub at the Savona Hotel
Dey’s Centre, Convenience and Liquor Store, by the Super
Savona General Store and Bakery, Savona Access Road and
Savona Street
Gas: Super Save
Gas Station, Savona Access Road and Highway 1
Track Gas Station, next to the General Store (no premium). A good and
trustworthy mechanic here as well!
ATM: Savona General
Public Toilets: At the end of Tingley Street, near the boat
There is a full range of
services in Kamloops.
WCOC Banquet, Saturday, August
16th. The banquet will be held at the
Savona Community Centre (see
above for directions under Event Centre) at 6pm. It is being catered by Kathy Desmond, the
owner of the Savona General Store, who has an excellent reputation for the
quality of her food.
Meat and vegetarian dishes will be provided.
COC Banquet and Short Race
Prize Giving, Saturday, August 23rd.
Once again the banquet will be held at the Savona Community Centre at
6pm. There
will be a different but equally delicious menu.
SPORTident - Electronic Punching System
The SPORTident electronic
punching system will be used at all competitive events, so all competitors are
required to carry a SPORTident finger stick (SI stick) instead of a conventional
paper control card.
To avoid losing the stick, place the rubber band between the knuckle and
first joint, and, preferably, attach it with string to your wrist. If a hired SI
stick is lost, the competitor will be charged the replacement cost of $40. Competitors losing
their personal SI sticks, can rent one from the organizers for $2/day.
Note that the number on the SI
stick is your personal identification number for the various events. Therefore you must
use the SI stick that has been assigned to you. If your stick number has changed from the one
you entered on your entry form, please notify Registration before you run in any
event, as runners using the wrong SI card will be disqualified.
The system works by each
control having an electronic clock, and when a competitor’s SI stick is inserted
into the control, the time is uploaded into the stick. At the end of the
race, these times are then downloaded into the results computer, which then
calculates and prints the split times for each leg and the overall elapsed
Start Procedure: As the SI card might contain
times from a previous event, they must be deleted prior to the start. This is achieved by
inserting the SI stick into the CLEAR station provided near the Start. Hold the card in
the control for several seconds until the light flashes and the control beeps,
which indicates that the SI stick is now clear. Move forward to a second control marked
CHECK, insert the stick, and an immediate light and beep will confirm that the
card has been correctly cleared.
On Course: At each control on your course,
the SI stick must be inserted into the control until the light comes on and the
unit beeps (usually less than a second). Some control sites,
particularly in the relay, may have multiple units, and it is possible that you
may hear a beep from another runner punching in at nearby unit. So, if someone is
punching at the same time as you are, watch for the light to flash. The unit will also
light up and beep if you visit the wrong control, so please take care to check
the control number at each control. If you punch the wrong control, continue to
the correct one as the software will ignore the incorrect punch. In the event of the control malfunctioning (no light, no
beep) it is imperative that you punch your map with the pin punch that will be
attached to the control, failure to do so could result in disqualification.
At the Finish: At the Finish line there will
be several SI control units. Insert your SI stick in one, and when the
control flashes and beeps your finish time has been recorded and the race is
over. After
punching the finish control, follow the tapes immediately to the download
station, where your times will be read from your finger stick into the results
computer, and you will be given a printout of your split times. It is very
important that you punch at the Download Station since that is the only way we
can record your results. No download – no results.
All competitors must punch at
the Download Station whether they finish their course or not – this is our main
way of determining which runners are still on the course. Failure to do
so, for reasons other than being lost or injured, can result in considerable
unnecessary aggravation for the Meet Officials.
Results: In due course, results and split times will be published on
the OABC website, www.orienteeringbc.ca.
For the WCOC’s, COC Short and
COC’s, the courses and classes are as follows:
Course 1:
M/W 12, M/W Open 1
Course 2:
M/W 13-14, M/W Open 2
Course 3:
M/W 15-16, M/W Open 3
Course 4:
W55-64, W65+, M65+, M/W Open 4
Course 5:
W17-19, W45-54, M55-64, M/W Open 5
Course 6:
M17-19, W35-44, M45-54, M/W Open 6
Course 7:
W20-34, M35-44, M Open 7
Course 8:
Start Procedures for WCOC, COC Short and
Control description lists will
be available in the pre start area, and will also be printed on the maps, which
will be in plastic, sealed bags.
You must wear the correct bib
On the way to the Start,
competitors will be required to do a CLEAR and CHECK, and then will be called up
at 3 minutes before their start time, and there will be a further CHECK control
at the first call up line. There will be three lines, -2, -1 and
Start. During
the last minute before their start, competitors will be asked to write their
name or bib number on the back of their maps. At the start signal, competitors can pick up
their maps, and in some cases follow a taped route to the start triangle. At the COC Short
Race, the start line and the start triangle are at the same spot. The start triangle
will be identified by a control flag on a similar stand to the other controls,
but you will not be required to punch there.
Late Starters will be directed to the late
start lane, and, after having their time and finger stick number checked, will
be started by a Start Official. Their time will be calculated from their
original start time.
Entries on the Day will be available for Open
classes only, competitors will have to use Master Maps and draw their own
Competitors entering on the day will be using a separate start lane,
which will have an SI punch start.
Course Changes will be allowed during the week
on payment of a fee of $7 to cover the cost of the extra map and the additional
administration required.
Course closure will be 3 hours
after the last start, and that closure time will be posted at the start. All competitors
should have reported to the Finish by then. Control pick up will commence at that time,
and all SPORTident controls will shut off. Regardless of course closure, competitors
have a maximum time allowed of three hours from their start time. Failure to report
to the finish within 3 hours could result in a search being conducted.
All maps will be at a scale of
10:000 with 5 metre contours with the exception of the COC’s Courses 7 and 8,
which will be at a scale of 1:15,000. Maps will be provided in sealed plastic
bags. The
organizers will be using laser printing, which is quite waterproof, but it is
advised that competitors leave the maps in their bags.
Competitors with problems can
write the detail down on a Problem Form at the finish, which will be acted on by
one of the Finish officials.
Competitors who wish to file an
official protest will be given a Protest Form at the finish, and directions, if
necessary, on how to fill it out. A fee of $30 will be charged, which will be
refunded if the protest is upheld.
A First Aid tent will be
located close to the Finish.
As we will be using private and
leased lands for the WCOC’s, Relay and COC’s, we will be charging a parking fee
of $1/car/day or $4/week. The funds raised will be donated to the
Gardens Creek and Indian Gardens Ranches to help their campaign to protect the
grasslands and prevent dirt bike riders from riding on their land, and will be
collected when car owners pick up their Registration packages.
Medals will be awarded to the
first three finishers at the WCOC’s and for the first three eligible Canadian
finishers at the COC Short and the COC’s. The first three competitors at the COC Short
and the COC’s will also receive an award. To be eligible for the Canadian
Championships, competitors have to be full members of the Canadian Orienteering
Federation, and Canadian citizens or persons with landed immigrant status, who
have been resident in Canada for the 12 months immediately preceding the
Ribbons will be awarded to the first three finishers in the Open
August 16th Sunday, and 17th
Six Mile Lake
From Kamloops travel 40kms west on Highway 1 to Savona and turn left
(South) onto the Tunkwa Lake Road. After 3km turn left (East) at Six Mile Lake
Road (there is a house with a curved white and yellow tent in the garden at the
corner), and proceed for 1km to the Assembly Area, a trip of about 15
minutes. From
Logan Lake and Tunkwa Lake Resort, travel north towards Savona, and just before
you head steeply down into Savona, turn right onto Six Mile Lake Road (look for
tent above).
From Cache Creek, travel east to Savona, and shortly after the Super Save
Gas Station, turn right onto Tunkwa Lake Road and then left onto Six Mile Lake
Road as above.
Terrain: A hilly mixture of
open grassland and ponderosa pine forest with many rock features.
Start: The first start is at 9:00am
both days, but the first hour will be reserved for officials. The Day 1 Start is
1.4kms (30 minute walk) from the Assembly Area, and on Day 2 the Start is 0.3kms
(5 minutes walk). Extra control descriptions will be available in the pre start
Toilets: There will be portable toilets at the
Assembly Area.
Control Numbers: These will be attached to the
controls horizontally.
Maps: The area was mapped in 1990 by
Ross Burnett and Mark McMillan, revised by Alan and Frances Vyse in 2003. It was
digitized for OCAD in 2002 by Leigh Bailey. Day 1 maps will be returned after the last
start on Day 2, at the same time as the Day 2 maps.
Comments: There are many
boulders on the map and all larger ones are mapped. There are a large
number of passable and impassable cliffs, rock bands, and outcrops with the most
distinct being mapped. Both standing fences and ruined fences are on
the map, but they are subject to change, and all efforts will be made to ensure
that they are current. Roads are clearly mapped but some tracks can
be indistinct in August due to the vegetation. Dirt bikers use the area from time to time,
so there may be some unmarked trails. Open areas are grasslands with easy travel,
and the forested areas (white) are usually Ponderosa Pine, which also allow fast
running. There
are few green areas.
Vegetation boundaries change with time, especially in areas of fast
growing aspen.
The map is on private land and
Crown grazing lease.
Permission from the owners is contingent upon respect for grazing cattle,
fences and gates (please close behind you).
Bears, deer, moose and other
forest wildlife are common, but pose little danger. Runners should use
common sense if an encounter occurs.
Whistles: Whistles are mandatory for all
Water: Water stations will be available on all
courses over 5km.
Awards: Will be held on Sunday at 2pm in the Assembly
The National
Orienteering Squad is proud to present
A fundraising event for our National Team
Bet on your favorite athlete.
Compare your time to our Elite athletes and top
Get your favorite athlete to shadow you on a course and
give you pointers.
A day full of excitement!
Dewdrop. Base-map Mike Ackerfeld 1990; fieldwork Ross
Burnett, Mark McMillan, Alan Philip, Jan Samuelsson. Last update Brendan
Matthews, Spring 2003. OCAD drawing by Brendan Matthews.
Mainly open grass with pockets of open forest. A lot of rock features and
contours. Safety bearing: north.
Directions: From
the centre of Kamloops
(Victoria Street and 3rd Avenue) take Victoria west, and cross
the Overlander Bridge. Continue north and then west on Fortune
Drive, which eventually becomes Tranquille Road. Continue along past the airport until you
reach a fork in the road after about 13kms, take the right fork across the
railroad tracks, Red Lake Road, which then climbs to the north. At a
signed hairpin turn, go left (west) onto the Dewdrop Range
Road. Follow the road and watch for signs to the Assembly Area.
Savona and the East travel east on TransCanada Highway 1 to Kamloops, and exit
at Columbia Street.
At the second light turn left onto Summit Drive, and follow the signs for
the Overlander Bridge and North Kamloops. Follow directions from there as above.
Your entry fee of $20 includes a 10$ betting voucher. Additional betting
vouchers can be purchased at $10 each. Each voucher can be used for betting on a
different athlete, or you can bet all of your money on the same athlete. Once
the betting is closed, the athletes will race on this spectator friendly course
(women and junior races will be on a shorter course).
National Squad will keep 75% of the income generated from the betting vouchers
and will give back 25% to the winning bettor. In the eventuality of more than
one winner, the winnings will be shared according to the number of betting
vouchers purchased (i.e. the more money you bet, the more money you could
Toilets: will be available in the Assembly Area
Schedule of events:
Saturday August 16th and Sunday August 17th: additional betting vouchers for sale with a
display of the featured athletes at the event centre.
Monday August 18th:
Presentation of the athletes.
Betting opens.
Betting officially closed.
Start. Athletes will start at 1-minute intervals on two short and
exciting courses. Very spectator friendly, we promise!
11:15 The Show is over, public is now allowed
on the courses.
Athletes will shadow those who have prearranged.
Winners announced. Prizes awarded in the finish area.
Course closure
Electronic punching will be used (SPORTident)
Marie-Catherine Bruno, GVOC
August 20th
From Kamloops: Take Hwy 1/97 west at exit 362
(Cache Creek/Prince George), drive 23 km on Hwy 1, look for O signs indicating
sharp left turn about 100 metres after reaching a four lane uphill section of
the highway. Site is 2km up the dirt road.
From Tunkwa Lake/Savona: Drive north 24km to Hwy 1 in
Savona. Turn right towards Kamloops for about 10km. Turn right about 2.5km past
rest area (watch for O signs) on to dirt road, follow for 2km, and park on the
side of the road close to the Assembly Area.
Registration: Your Registration Package should include a
Relay Team Form. If you’ve already registered a team, ignore this and pick up a
Relay Package at the Event Centre. If you want to make up a team, complete the
Form and exchange it for a Relay Package either at the Event Centre or with the
Relay Meet Director before 10:00 P.M. Sunday, August 17. Lists of unmatched
runners will be available at the Event Centre. Please give us a team name; you might want to
incorporate the West/Rest theme.
Terrain: See WCOCs.
Relay Package: contains three bibs (different from your
numbers for the other events) and any additional information
Classes, Courses and
To be
eligible for medals, teams must have points to fit into one of these Classes:
Class A,
1 to 3 points
Class B,
4 or 5 points.
Class C,
6 points or more
Points are given for age and
14 year and under 2 points
15 to 19
20 to 44 year
to 59 Year
1 “
60 year and over 2 “
females 1 bonus point
This will allow for all-female
teams in any of the classes.
Leg 1 Course is intermediate, about 4 Km
Leg 2 Course is novice/intermediate, 2 – 3
Leg 3 Course is advanced, about 6 Km
West vs. Rest pits Western Canada against the
World. Teams
with all three members from Alberta, B.C., Yukon, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba are
the West. The
Rest are teams without anyone from these provinces. The top three in
each of the Classes are awarded points; Gold-15, Silver-10 and Bronze-5. And one point in
each Class for the most teams fielded.
Special note to Cascadia
This resurrects the Pig
War. If the
Rest wins, the Pig goes to Seattle. If the West wins, the Pig stays in Victoria.
Race Procedure: 10:00 A.M. Mass Start. All teams run their
Legs in the same numerical order. Leg 1 runners pick up Leg-1 Maps with
Course Descriptions in rolled, sealed bags; but DO NOT UNROLL until after the
start. There
are forks in Leg 1 to eliminate blatant following.
Leg 2 and Leg 3 runners pick-up
maps after they have been tagged. The tag-off area is at the right side of the
Finish Chute about 20 metres BEFORE the Finish. Tag your team-mate first, then punch the
Finish Control.
A second Mass Start will be at
noon for all runners yet to be tagged. Elapsed times of each runner will be tallied,
in order to provide an overall time for the team.
Runners: Subject to the
availability of maps, you may run one of the relay legs without being part of a
team. Register
prior to 10:00pm Sunday. Fees will be the same as for team members.
Individual runners will have a single mass start 10 minutes after the first Leg
runners leave.
Because some legs will be forked, and there may be common controls on
different maps, control descriptions will only be available on the maps.
Awards: will be presented at the
Assembly Area as soon as possible. Approximately 1:00 PM.
Planner’s Notes: The terrain is open and fast.
The aim is to have a fun event so I’ve avoided placing controls in complicated
Recognizing that head to head situations might develop towards the
finish, I’ve adjusted some of the later legs to avoid areas of bad footing. Gaps
in fences will be provided at logical points and marked on the map with a “G”.
These are NOT mandatory routes so if you do choose to cross a fence elsewhere
please take care of the fence – and yourself. Legs 1 and 3 pass close to the assembly area
during their run – let’s hear the noise!
Weather Warning: There is very little shade in
the assembly area so come prepared.
Thursday, August 21st
Location: Gardens Creek Ranch, Savona
Directions: The same as for the Canadian
Championships (not the Short Race).
Terrain: Similar to Canadian Short and
Canadian Championships.
Start: Competitors can start at their
own time between 9:00am and 3:00pm
Course: Closes at 4:00pm
Map: The area used will be a small
portion of the competition terrain. All other areas are out of bounds.
August 22nd
Location: Gardens Creek Ranch North
Directions: From Kamloops drive west on
Highway 1 for 40 kms to Savona. Immediately past the Savona Access Road and the
Super Save Gas Station, turn left onto Ballou Road, which becomes the Guichon
Creek Forest Service Road, and proceed for 5 kms to parking. From Cache Creek
and the West travel east on Highway 1 to Savona, and just before the Savona
Access Road and the Super Save Gas Station turn right onto Ballou Road and
proceed as above.
From Logan Lake and the Tunkwa Lake Resort travel north to the
intersection of the Tunkwa Lake Road and Highway 1, turn left, and immediately
after the Savona Access Road, turn left and follow directions as above. The land
on your immediate right is the competition area. Please keep out – competitors can warm up on
the road or on the area to the south of the road.
Terrain: Mainly open hillside with some
steep slopes.
There are areas of forest and plenty of rock features. It is very runnable
underfoot. In
the light green areas, running is only hampered by the spacing of the trees.
Planner’s Comments: Just to clarify, the following
special symbols have been used:
Green “O” = Isolated tree
Green “X” = Prominent standing
dead tree
Green “dot” = Prominent small
tree or bush
Unfortunately this area is used
by dirt bike riders, so there are unmapped tracks here and there. The mapper has
shown the more significant ones on the map.
Start: First start is at 9:00am, but
the first hour will be reserved for officials. From the Assembly Area to the Start is about
200m or a 2 minute walk. There will be a CLEAR and CHECK station on
route. Spare control descriptions will be available in the prestart area.
Toilets: Toilets will be provided near the Assembly
Map: This is a new map, surveyed and drawn by
Bryan Chubb, 2002/2003. Maps will be returned after the last start.
Control Numbers: These will be attached to the
control horizontally.
Safety Bearing: South to the Major Path or Road.
Awards: The medal ceremony will take place after the
Banquet on Saturday evening.
Saturday, August 23rd and Sunday, August 24th
Location: Gardens Creek Ranch, Savona
Directions: From Savona and the west turn right onto the
Tunkwa Lake Road and travel south for 4 kms. Turn right onto the Haywood Farmer Road and
proceed 5kms to the Assembly Area. From Kamloops and the East, turn right in
Savona onto the Tunkwa Lake Road and follow directions as above. From Logan Lake
and the Tunkwa Lake Resort travel north on the Tunkwa Lake Road, and turn left
onto the Haywood-Farmer Road for 5kms to the Assembly Area. The Haywood-Farmer
Road is about a kilometre south of the Six Mile Lake Road turnoff, and about
21kms from the Tunkwa Lake Resort
Terrain: As above
Planner’s Comments: Be prepared for sunshine
as the forest is very exposed with little shade. The terrain is a bit
rocky in places but generally very good with excellent runnability. There
is very little undergrowth so the orienteering will require good route
choices. Expect it to be hilly.
Controller’s Comments: Much of the area is bunch grass (it grows in small, tight
clumps, with very little between the clumps). The soil between the clumps can be
very loose, particularly on the dryer hill sides. There are scattered clumps of prickly pear
cactus in this area. This is NOT the meter high,
come-a-little-closer-and-we'll-become-intimately-involved competitors in Arizona
may be familiar with, but a 5 cm high, come-and-introduce-me-to-your-shoe-toe
type. It’s not nearly as bad as the rose bushes, which some maps are blessed
with across North America. If you get one of these on the toe or back of the
calf, it may feel like a wasp sting.
Competitors on Course 1 should be cautioned that the Day 2
course requires careful map reading, and some contour interpretation.
Start: First start is 9:00am both days with the
first hour being reserved for officials. On Day 1 and Day 2, the distance to the Start
is 200m.
Toilets: Toilets will be provided near the Assembly
Control Numbers: These will be attached to the
control horizontally
Safety Bearing: Safety Bearing is
South to the road from which the parking is accessed. Only the two longer
courses cross this road.
Awards: The medal ceremony will take place in the
Assembly Area as close to 2pm as possible.