Safe Sport – OBC’s Commitment

Sport organizations in British Columbia are committed to creating a sport environment that is accessible, inclusive, respects their participants’ personal goals, and is free from all forms of maltreatment. As part of Orienteering BC’s commitment to Safe Sport, all the OBC Directors and Officers have completed Commit to Kids training, and all members of Orienteering BC are also expected to adhere to both the OBC Code of Conduct (link) and the BC Universal Code of Conduct (BC UCC). Orienteering BC accepts all language contained in the BC UCC, a copy of which is hosted here. Volunteers who will be working with vulnerable individuals, such as members of junior training groups, are screened for any record of misbehaviour through the BC Ministry of Justice Criminal Records Review program (OBC Policies and Procedures (link) Section 9).

If you feel you have experienced, or observed, any maltreatment while participating in orienteering activities, you should contact the OBC executive at and report your concerns. All information provided to OBC will be held in complete confidence, as outlined in the Orienteering BC Privacy Policy (link) and the Orienteering Canada Policy on Discipline and Complaints (link).

The services of the BC Sport Law Connect Program ( may be enlisted to assist OBC with fair and thorough handling of any complaints or reports.